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Oil painting show at the Bellevue Gallery


Oil paintings capturing the energy of connection.



Making art always tended to make me anxious. Or perhaps, I was always making art from an anxious place. I had a lot to express and I could never fully express it the way I envisioned, and this made me anxious.


I started meditating more and really focusing on noticing and changing my thoughts and feelings in my daily life.


I decided to try a radical shift in my art making practice- to be in and stay in a calm, focused, and centered space while painting. And these paintings are the first paintings to come out of that space.


These paintings are radically different than any paintings that came out of my brush before. Before, my paintings were often chaotic, wild, busy, frantic lines in every direction- which makes sense when I look back to how I was feeling when I was painting. These are simple, subtle, light, graceful.


In my meditations, I would often feel and see myself held in a white space and that is where my healing would occur. The colors in these paintings show energies, or souls, interacting in that white, healing space. The energies move like smoke and change when they are near one another, often merging into a new energy.


I offer you the opportunity to take note of your energy. How does your energy move? What colors are your energy right now? What is influencing your energy- internal or external? What energies within you are being blocked? What can clear those blocks to allow the energy to be moved?


I hope to use my experience with this work to explore more healing arts workshops and to creative more opportunities for others to explore their own healing through art.


Mandey Lund






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